Jørgen Dobloug

23 April 1945-16 January 2018 (Oslo, Norway)
Lived and worked in Oslo (Norway) and Düsseldorf (Germany).


1965Examen Artium (Oslo, Norway)
1966 University entrance exam in philosophy (Oslo, Norway)
1966-1969 University of Oslo (Norway) Sociology and history of art
1969 Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel (Switzerland) Graphics course (Armin Hofmann)
1970-1971 Statens håndverk og kunstindustriskole (Oslo, Norway) Evening drawing classes
1971-1984 Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany:
1971-1972 "Fine Art" (Freie Kunst, Prof. Joseph Beuys)
1972-1973 "Art Pedagogy" (Kunsterziehung, Prof. Joseph Beuys)
1973-1974 "Art Pedagogy" (Kunsterziehung, former Beuys class)
1973 (summer semester) tutor of the former Beuys class, member of the student parliament and delegate to the Senate, the highest-ranking organ of the academy
1974-1977 "Fine Art" (Freie Kunst, former Beuys class)
1974 nominated master student by Prof. Joseph Beuys
1975 officially confirmed as master student by the academy Commission
1976 scholarship for Cité internationale des Arts (Paris, France)
1977-1981 "Art Pedagogy" (Kunsterziehung, Daniel Hees)
1981-1982 "Art Pedagogy" (Kunsterziehung, no specific class)
1982-1984 "Graphic Design/Pedagogy" (Lehramt/Grafik, Prof. Franz Eggenschwiler)

Work and teaching practice

1974    Assistant to Prof. Gerhard Richter
1978 Guest speaker at the Belfast School of Art and Design, Northern Ireland
1982 Visiting lecturer at the Belfast School of Art and Design, Northern Ireland
1984 Head of a study programme at Kunstakademiet i Trondheim, Norway, in connection with study visits in Düsseldorf and Cologne
1985 Visiting lecturer at the Bergen and Trondheim Academies of Art, Norway
1990 Visiting lecturer at the Bergen and Trondheim Academies of Art, Norway
1990 Visiting lecturer at the Belfast School of Art and Design, Northern Ireland
1990 Member of the diploma committee at Institut for Farve (Statens Håndverk- og Kunstindustriskole) in Oslo, Norway
1992 Visiting lecturer at Institut for Farve (Statens Håndverk- og Kunstindustriskole) in Oslo, Norway


1970 Det grevelige Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske stiftelses legat (Copenhagen, Denmark)
1976 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf/Cité internationale des Arts (Paris, France)
1978 BKH materialstipend (Oslo, Norway)
1978 Grosserer Th. Henrichsens legat (Oslo, Norway)
1978 Christian Lorck Schive og hustrus legat for kunstnere (Trondheim, Norway)
1983 BKH materialstipend (Oslo, Norway)
1984 Conrad Mohrs legat for malere og billedhoggere (Oslo, Norway)
1985 BKH arbeidsstipend (Oslo, Norway)
1986 Statens reise- og studiestipend (Oslo, Norway)
1987-1989 Statens 3-årige arbeitsstipend (Oslo, Norway)
1992 Vederlagsfondets stipend (Oslo, Norway)
1994 Vederlagsfondets stipend (Oslo, Norway)
1995 Statens garantiinntekt (Oslo, Norway)
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